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Wyedean is to Appear in Every Parade

Wyedean’s mission is ‘To appear in every parade’ a tall order for most in its trade, but this gives Wyedean plenty to work towards, particularly given its new international goals and ambitions through website development and overseas developments.

The media is often full of national and international ceremonies and parades and Wyedean takes it in its stride to find video footage from these events so that it can ensure that it is either in these events, or that it can supply our uniforms and accessories for the next parade or ceremony

All uniformed British serviceman will at least wear a badge or rank marking which has been produced by Wyedean. Every Policeman serving in the London Metropolitan Police Force will have their service numbers (letters and numerals) on their shoulder epaulettes which are also supplied by Wyedean. This makes Wyedean’s products as prominent in the British market as any other around the globe. However, Wyedean continually aspires to make itself more recognisable in global markets by supplying its products internationally.

A recent example of Wyedean’s products being used world-wide can be seen on the image to the left. Ceremonial regalia worn as far away as the Kingdom of Tonga in the Oceania region. This gold and red sash made by Wyedean is worn by the King and Queen of Tonga. Wyedean is delighted to know that its items are being worn proudly on the other side of the world, thus making our mission look just that little bit more achievable.

Wyedean is determined to make its mission a reality and following recent exhibitions in the United Arab Emirates, Wyedean is hoping to take its products as far as the Persian Gulf.

Wyedean also appears in many British parades including the Changing of the Guards ceremony, from Scottish to Irish, and Coldstream to Grenadier. For many years, Wyedean has also appeared in the Trooping the Colour parade. All of the staff at Wyedean take great pride when they can watch back the footage and spot something that was hand-stitched in Wyedean’s Haworth Mill.

In more recent news, Wyedean’s products played a big part in the Battle of Britain memorial, where many servicemen wore at least one item manufactured by Wyedean. This momentous event, marking the 75th Anniversary of the battle, saw the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Duke of Cambridge and other members of the Royal family appear on the balcony of Buckingham Palace to watch a flyover of four Spitfires, two Hurricanes and four Eurofighter Typhoons as part of an enhanced Changing of the Guard performed by the RAF Queen’s Colour Squadron.

Wyedean’s high quality military insignia, regalia and accoutrement appear in parades up and down the country on a daily basis. However, the success of the company will ultimately be measured by its international presence, something which Wyedean works towards on a daily basis.