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Royal Gurkha Rifles

The Royal Gurkha Rifles (RGR) forms part of the Brigade of Gurkhas in the British Army. They are a rifle regiment whose soldiers are recruited from Nepal, but the British Officers are recruited from the UK and the Commonwealth.

The two battalions of the RGR are formed as a light infantry role. All Officers in the regiment are expected to speak Nepali and will attend a language course if needed.

The first battalion is based at Shorncliffe as part of the 16 Air Assault Brigade and are available for deployment to most areas in Europe and Africa. The second battalion is based in Brunei at the British garrison. This is part of Britain’s commitment to maintaining a military presence in Southeast Asia.

The regiment’s motto is ‘Better to die than to be a coward’. The Gurkhas are considered to be some of the best infantrymen in the world, as is shown by their fighting skill and their smartness of turnout for parade.
The regiment have only been eligible for the Victoria Cross since 1911 but have been awarded it 26 times since then. 13 to Gurkha Soldiers and 13 to British Officers.

We stock uniform accessories for the Royal Gurkha Riflies. View our range here.